Peshawar School Massacre: \'How Can Anyone be So Heartless
  • Img30 Nov -0001 to 30 Nov -0001
  • Img
  • ImgDelhi

Peshawar School Massacre: 'How Can Anyone be So

Jalaj Srivastav, director, New Delhi Municipal Corporation told reporters, "We need to think of having alarms in schools like they have in banks. We are also considering training of school staff and personnel to handle such situations."

As the band played a solemn tune, Pooja said, "I watched what happened on TV. I couldn't stop crying. I saw interviews of children - they were saying that terrorists will fall short of bullets but their determination won't falter. They are so brave.

Following Tuesday's attack, an advisory from the Ministry of Home Affairs has placed New Delhi on the terror hit-list.